This highly sought after Cocktail Feature for the Berg DN All Bottle ID™ (ABID) Dispenser and Merlin System. Pours consistent cocktails every time regardless of bartender. This firmware supports up to 200 cocktails recipes.
Utilizing state-of-the-art radio frequency (RF) microchip technology, Berg All-Bottle Brand ID™ Cocktailing bottle top liquor dispensers and liquor controls operate like the All-Bottle™ ring pouring bottle top “price category” liquor dispensing systems, but track liquor pouring activity by each liquor brand!
Key Features
- Fast service and consistent quality cocktails by all bartenders.
- Perfect cocktails poured with up to 5 liquors per recipe.
- Eliminates mistakes, wrong brands or recipe variations.
Track Pouring Activity by Liquor Brand!
Simple! Affordable! Accountability! Control!
Utilizing state-of-the-art radio frequency (RF) microchip technology, Berg All-Bottle Brand ID™ bottle top liquor dispensers and liquor controls operate like the All-Bottle™ ring pouring bottle top “price category” liquor dispensing systems, but track liquor pouring activity by each liquor brand!
- Identifying every pour by brand, portion size, and price
- Precise tracking of all pouring activity against total inventory, opened and unopened
- Pouring consistent portions faster than with a traditional plastic liquor spout
- Eliminating over pouring, reducing spillage and other losses
- Tracking up to 200 brands – unlimited number of bottles – 4 liquor portion sizes per brand,per price level and up to 4 price levels
- Knowing at a glance when each liquor brand reaches its reorder point (reorder set points per brand)
- Reassigning pourers at the pouring station – no sorting, no PC, fast & easy
- Upgrading existing Berg liquor control systems to the Berg DN All-Bottle Brand ID™ liquor control system
- Certified to applicable NSF/ANSI Sanitation and CE Standards.
- And all of this in an easy to use, affordable liquor control system that typically pays for itself in 6 to 12 months!
Berg DN All-Bottle Brand ID™ ring pouring bottle top liquor control systems offers all of this and more!
The Berg DN All-Bottle Brand ID™ liquor controls are designed for use with the state of the art Berg Infinity Network liquor control and management system.
Berg Microchip Ring Pouring Liquor Control Technology
Berg All-Bottle Brand ID ring pouring bottle top liquor controls are designed using radio frequency (RF) microchip technology, enabling tracking of the specific brand, portion size and price for every pour.A microchip embedded in each of the specially engineered pourers is easily assigned at the control station to the liquor bottle’s specific brand. The assigned pourer is then inserted into that liquor bottle, secured with a tamper-evident security seal, and placed at the bar ready for pouring.
Activator rings, located at each bar station, control and record every pour.The pourers will not dispense unless engaged with the activator ring, ensuring that each drink is dispensed accurately and recorded. To pour a drink, the bartender simply brings the selected bottle up through the activator ring – with either hand – and pours the drink with a conventional pouring motion. The activator ring controls and records the pour. The brand is displayed on the liquor control unit’s screen for quick easy confirmation and the drink PLU is sent to the point of sale (POS) terminal.
It's just that fast and easy! Customers see their brand poured and get a consistent drink each and every time. You get total control and accountability for every drink poured - by brand - at a very affordable price! Price and liquor portion sizes, up to four per brand, are pre-programmed for each brand, adjustable from 1/8 to 10 ounces (4 to 295 ml). The pourer’s tamper-evident security seals ensure the liquor bottle top pourers remain in place until the bottle is replaced.
Pourers are easily reassigned - so no need to sort liquor bottle top pourers by brand. When the bottle is empty, simply remove the pourer, clean and reassign to the next bottle’s brand right at the liquor control unit - no PC needed for programming. It's quick and easy!
All-Bottle Advantages
Free-Pour Style Without The "Free”
Berg All-Bottle Brand ID ring pouring bottle top liquor control systems delivers your customers' choice while they watch an accurate, fast pour in the style and tradition of a free poured drink, without giving the house away in over pours and spills.
Compact - Flexible - Easy To Use & Install
Berg All-Bottle Brand ID liquor dispensers eliminate over-pouring and reduce spillage and other losses. The compact design fits just about anywhere liquor is served. All-Bottle Brand ID liquor dispensers are quick to set up and easy to use! With Berg All-Bottle Brand ID liquor controls, there are no complicated hookups, no bottle pressure or pump concerns and no liquor tubing to run. Liquor control units and activator rings can be mounted almost anywhere, from small bars and hospitality bars to multiple-station bars in large operations.
Pay For Themselves Fast
In most installations, Berg All-Bottle Brand ID liquor dispensers pay for themselves in 6 to 12 months! Use the Berg liquor loss calculator and to learn how liquor control can help your bottom line!
For Wine & Other Bottled Beverages
In addition to liquor, All-Bottle Brand ID liquor pouring systems are also used for pouring wine or other bottled beverages.
Fully Certified
Berg All-Bottle Brand ID liquor dispensers, liquor controls and applicable system components are certified to NSF/ANSI sanitation and CE standards, All-Bottle Brand ID liquor controls systems are also available to meet Canadian requirements and jurisdictions requiring the most stringent NSF/ANSI Standard 18 certified installations.
All-Bottle Brand ID Liquor Controls Features & Specifications
Liquor Dispensing Controls
- Identify every pour by brand, portion size, and price - up to 800 brands, unlimited number of bottles per brand
- Up to 4 portion sizes for each price code - set by user, adjustable from 1/8 to 10 ounces (4 to 295 ml)
- Pour consistent portions faster than with traditional plastic liquor bottle spouts
- Pour delay / restart function for pouring multiple glasses of the same brand Restart a pour by keeping a bottle inverted for a programmable delay
- Simple to reassign pourers –no sorting pourers by brand
- Bottle inserts to accommodate all sizes and types of liquor bottles
- Mechanical key switch lockout for after hours security
Inventory Controls
- Precise tracking of all pouring activity against total inventory, opened and unopened
- Liquor inventory tracked online by brand from receipt to empty
- Allows for manual adjustment to inventory totals
- Usage information available by brand and station
- Inventory reorder point set by brand
- Track up to 800 brands - unlimited number of bottles per brand
Additional Features
- Easy Interface with point of sale (POS) terminal for complete cash control
- Complete reporting - number of pours, sales data, volume, pouring costs - exportable into other reports or programs
- Management control of complimentary drinks
- Schedule operations to run at set days / times - including reports, price / portion changes (Happy Hour) and disabling liquor dispensing systems
- Interface with computer or Ethernet LAN for remote access and system management
- Flexible, expandable system - Add other liquor dispensing systems & liquor controls
- Allow bartenders to share liquor dispensers, yet ring-up on their POS terminal, saving bartender steps while facilitating accountability
- Maintains system settings and data backup if loss of power
- Certified to NSF & CE Standards
The All-Bottle Brand ID activator ring control unit is stainless steel, measuring 8.25" (291 mm) wide, 3.25" (83 mm) high, 5.25" (133 mm) deep. Electrical requirements are 120/240 VAC, 1.5A @ 120 VAC; 50-60 Hz, single phase.
Upgrade From A “Price-Level” Liquor Control System
Berg liquor controls systems are easy to upgrade! Many bars and venues have upgraded from Berg’s traditional All-Bottle ring pouring bottle top “price level” liquor pouring systems to the more advanced All-Bottle Brand ID ring pouring bottle top liquor control system for complete “brand level” control.Installations often combine All-Bottle Brand ID ring pouring bottle top liquor controls and Laser™ gun style beverage and liquor controls, putting the most popular brands and house liquors on the Laser liquor controls and using the All Bottle Brand ID liquor controls for all of the other brands.
All-Bottle Brand ID Accessories & Additional Information
Accessories, Supplies & Replacement Parts
Berg All-Bottle Brand ID ring pouring bottle top beverage and liquor control system accessories, supplies and replacement parts, including security seals, pourer, pourer inserts, caps, covers and more, are available for purchase online or through your local representative.
Worldwide Service & Support
Berg stands behind all of our beverage and liquor control systems with full service and support through our worldwide network of dealers who are trained to help you maintain your investment in Berg liquor controls. Berg service technicians stand behind our dealers when additional help is needed diagnosing systems or controls. Berg and your Berg dealer are committed to serve and support you and to The Berg Difference!
Complete Line Of Liquor Controls
Berg offers a complete line of liquor controls and liquor dispensing systems, including specialty beverage and liquor dispensing systems and liquor controls to meet Canadian requirements and jurisdictions requiring the most stringent NSF/ANSI Standard 18 certified installations.
Most Berg liquor dispensers, liquor controls and applicable system components are certified to CE and NSF standards, including the Berg All-Bottle Brand ID™ liquor control systems.
Increase Your Profitability With Berg!
Don’t be chained to your bar because of accountability concerns! Liquor control doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. Berg All-Bottle Brand ID™ liquor pouring systems keep both sides of the bar happy and serve as your representative behind the bar, ensuring that every drink poured is accounted for and all open bottles are secure.
Berg Infinity Network™ beverage and liquor management system, powered by Berg Infinity bar management software, is the ultimate in bar management systems, expanding on our stand alone liquor control systems and Berg Dispenser Network™ liquor management systems by
- Enabling connection of an infinite number of beverage and liquor dispensers and liquor controls or infinite number of individual Berg Dispenser Networks into one large network of networks, creating a single point of total management control across your entire operation – all run from your personal computer or Ethernet local area network (LAN).
- Providing the ultimate in comprehensive and easy to use reporting, scheduling, inventory control and system management and maintenance, essential for total accountability, control and making informed decisions for improving profitability and effectively managing your entire operation – whether a single bar or an infinite number of bars or smaller bar networks
Let Berg Infinity Network Empower You!
Since Berg first introduced the Berg Infinity Network liquor management system and bar management software in 1991, owners and managers of single bars and smaller operations to large, multi-bar operations such as casinos, large clubs, hotels, stadiums and theme parks, count on the Berg Infinity Network and Berg Infinity bar management software for the complete liquor control, monitoring, management and reporting they need to know what is happening at all times in their operations, make informed decisions, control costs and improve profitability!
Find out more about Why Liquor Control and Why Berg. Use the Liquor Loss Calculator and Beer Loss Calculator to assess your loss potential, and then contact a Berg representative today and start saving!
- Network of Networks
- Berg Infinity Software
- Improved Profitbality
- Customize Your System
- For Smaller Operations Too
- Complete Liquor Control
Network of Networks
The Berg Infinity Network connects an infinite number of liquor dispensers and liquor controls and an infinite number of individual Berg Dispenser Networks into one large network, a “network of networks”, that is all connected to your personal computer or computing system, creating a complete liquor management system with a single point of management control for your entire operation.Berg Infinity Software
Advanced Reporting, Scheduling, Inventory Control, System Management & Maintenance
The Berg Infinity bar management software, powering the Berg Infinity Network beverage and liquor management system, is the ultimate in bar management software. Berg Infinity bar management software turns your computer into a single point of total bar management and control, whether managing a single bar, or an infinite number of bars or smaller bar networks, each with one or more bartender stations and point of sale (POS) terminals.With Berg Infinity bar management software powering your system, your computer becomes your gateway to quickly and easily manage of all aspects of your operation’s liquor dispensing and control, including system management and maintenance, scheduling, inventory control and complete reporting for total accountability and control essential to make informed decisions for improved profitability and effectively manage your operation – large or small!
Learn more about Berg Infinity bar management software and see examples of some of the Berg Infinity bar management software reports.
The Berg Infinity Network liquor management system and Berg Infinity liquor management system software provide more advanced and comprehensive reporting, scheduling, inventory and system management functionality and options than Berg Dispenser Manager bar management software standard with our Berg Dispenser Network liquor management system or stand alone liquor control systems.
Berg Infinity Network liquor monitoring systems and bar management software are designed to improve your bar’s bottom line!
- Controls every drink poured for an infinite number of brands at an infinite number of stations
- Interfaces any combination or number ofBerg liquor monitoring systems and liquor controls
- Allows for information to be exported and exchanged with spreadsheets and other programs.
- Includes tabbed, menu driven, user-friendly software – Windows compatible
- Enables portion size and price level changes for all liquor controls – for all stations, together or individually
- Interfaces with point of sale (POS) terminal systems for total cash control
- Interfaces with your Ethernet LAN enabling remote access and system management
- Permits management control of complimentary drinks
- Berg Infinity Schedule makes it quick and easy to schedule operations to run automatically at set days or times, including running reports, scheduling price / portion changes for Happy Hour or special events, and enabling or disenabling liquor control equipment
- Collects data from all liquor monitoring systems and controls and configures it into a variety of easy to read and use reports, including information on number of pours, sales, volume and pouring costs
- Provides hourly, weekly, monthly and annual reports - get as much detail as you want
- Monitors inventory and provides order reports
- Includes battery back-up for memory retention in case of power loss
Customize Your System
Combine Liquor Dispensers & Liquor Controls
Include any or all of Berg’s liquor dispensing systems and liquor monitoring systems technology as part of your Berg Infinity Network liquor management system and liquor software, to set up the exact system you need. Choose the best combination of liquor dispensing and liquor control system features for convenience, speed, accuracy, accountability and management reporting – all at an affordable price! With the Berg Infinity Network liquor management system, you tailor the liquor controls and liquor monitoring system specifically to your bar arrangement and needs, selecting from Berg’s liquor dispensing systems and liquor controls, including:Not Just For Large & Multiple Bar Operations
The Berg Infinity Network liquor management system and liquor software are not only for larger and multiple bar operations, but is also ideal for single bars or smaller operations that want the power and convenience of Berg Infinity liquor management software’s advanced reporting, scheduling, inventory control and system management and maintenance features - all managed from a single personal computer or computing system.With Berg Infinity Network you get the complete liquor control, monitoring, management and reporting you need to make informed decisions, control costs and improve profitability - all in one easy to use system, right on your personal computer!
Complete Liquor Control Made Easy!
- Secure Liquor + Consistent Portion Control + Ring Up To Pour = Complete Liquor Control
- For Complete liquor control and to know exactly how much cash to expect in the till, you need All 3 - and that is exactly what you get with Berg liquor control systems!
- Then connect it all together with Berg Infinity Network and make system management and maintenance Easy!
Berg DN All-Bottle Brand ID™ ring pouring bottle top liquor controls are designed using radio frequency (RF) microchip technology, enabling tracking of the specific brand, portion size and price for every pour.